To economically empower those that are systematically excluded through creating inclusive, dignified and sustainable employment opportunities.
Our Commitment
Inclusive, dignified and sustainable jobs
The YEVU Foundation employs women from Ghana’s informal sector who are earning below a living wage in unsafe and precarious conditions. Our team of 30 staff (75% female and the majority single mums) work from our manufacturing hub in Ghana’s capital, Accra. Jobs at YEVU pay a livable wage, provide full-time and dignified work, guarantee health care and social security, private health insurance for all family members, paid parental leave, financial literacy and support, a home cooked lunch every day at the factory and build the capacity and technical skill set of our team. We’re proud that YEVU is a safe, fair, fun and dignified place to work.
Fair, liveable wages
YEVU pays above urban Ghana's living wage benchmark, meaning that our staff are able to provide for an entire household on their sole income. We know that on this wage, our staff are earning 4-6 times what they were earning before joining YEVU. Providing a woman with a liveable income means that they can become breadwinners and will spend on improving the lives of their families. Education, especially for the daughters of these women, goes a long way in breaking the cycle of intergenerational poverty.
Skill training and capacity building
We provide up to 200 hours of on the job training and capacity building a year to ensure our staff feel confident and can meet the demands of the international market. With these skills our team can cut, sew and ship around 2000 units of high quality fashion apparel per month to partners all over the world.
Women’s economic empowerment
YEVU is a women led and majority women run business. Fair incomes, safe and sustainable jobs and access to and control over resources, including knowledge and skills, means that the women that work for YEVU are resilient, independent and more empowered to make decisions that affect themselves, their families and communities.